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Happy MLK Jr. Day-come join the water board

1.15.24 Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! We sure hope you are warm and have water today, something we can all grateful for, especially during these extreme cold temps! As you know, we are looking for a few good women or men to join the water board. No experience is necessary, and we have great people to help anyone who is interested.

  Especially today-here is a quote from MLK Jr. to ponder- "Everybody has the power for greatness, not fame, but greatness, because greatness is determined by service." This certainly does offer a different lense to look through, when considering what we do for others. The Water Board is a great way to offer service to our whole neighborhood and a chance to learn a lot more about water as a precious resource that needs to be managed well and perhaps differently than in the past. 

We'd welcome your hands to help out on the water board. Our next meeting is Thursday, January 18th at 5:00 p.m. Please enjoy your family today and let us know if you'd like to join us! Feel free to contact anyone on the water board-all contact info is listed on our website at skylineranchwsc.org under the customer service tab-personnel. Thanks and stay warm!