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Austin announces stage 2 water restrictions

8.16.23 9:29 a.m. Please see the following announcement regarding water conservation posted in Austin:

With water levels continuing to drop in the Highland Lakes that supply Austin, the city is announcing Stage 2 water restrictions to take effect Tuesday. Even if you don’t have a lawn, or don’t bother watering the lawn you have, you could notice the new rules impacting daily life in Austin.

Water restrictions will affect the watering of lawns, restaurants, car washing, golf courses and even large decorative fountains. The rules will last until the current drought subsides.

Penalties for not following the water conservation rules may be as much as $1,000 per violation. You can call 311 to report a violation.

Thanks to all for continuing efforts to conserve water. As a reminder, we are in drought stage four restrictions, as defined by Hays Trinity Groundwater Conservation District. Here is our plan to conserve water according to our Drought Contingency Plan, as of today:

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Goal: Achieve a 40 percent reduction in total water use. Reduce daily water usage to the absolute minimum required to for essential purposes. SREWSC Management Measures: Acquisition of alternative water supplies may be implemented. Water Use Restrictions: Indoor Conservation Measures  Check for toilet and faucet leaks and repair any found leaks immediately.  Use water displacement device in toilet tank or replace older model toilets with HET models when possible.  Install aerators on faucets. Don’t leave faucets running when not in use.  While waiting for hot water to reach faucet, catch cold water in a container to be reused.  Never use the toilet to dispose of trash.  Only run dishwasher with full load.  Store drinking water in a container in the refrigerator.  Reduce use of garbage disposal.  Wash only full loads of laundry.  Turn off master water shutoff when out of town or on vacation.  Draw less water for bath or reduce shower time.  Do not over water houseplants. Outdoor Conservation Measures  Irrigation and Lawn Care o Irrigation of landscaped areas is absolutely prohibited. o Cut lawns on highest setting and leave lawn clippings on lawn instead of bagging. Use mulch to conserve soil moisture.  Washing vehicles o Use of water to wash any motor vehicle, motorbike, boat, trailer, or other vehicle is absolutely prohibited.  Pools and other water features o Use of water to fill, refill, or add to any swimming pools, wading pools, or a Jacuzzitype pool is prohibited. o Operation of any ornamental fountain or pond for aesthetic or scenic purposes is prohibited except where necessary to support aquatic life or where such fountains or ponds are equipped with a recirculation system.  Use of water from hydrants shall be limited to fire fighting, related activities, or other activities necessary to maintain public health, safety, and welfare.  The following nonessential uses of water are prohibited: o use of water to wash down any sidewalks, walkways, driveways, parking lots, tennis courts, or other hard-surfaced areas; o use of water to wash down buildings or structures for purposes other than immediate fire protection;

Water Tariff Page No. 25 Approved March 13, 2019 25 of 31 o use of water for dust control; o flushing gutters or permitting water to run or accumulate in any gutter or street; o failure to repair a controllable leak(s) within a reasonable period after having been given notice directing the repair of such leak(s).  Utilize supplemental water sources where possible (e.g. purchased water, collected rainwater, etc.). Supplemental water sources must be isolated from the WSC system per TCEQ regulations.  Utilize water reuse where possible. No application for new, additional, expanded, or increased-in-size water service connections meters, service lines, pipeline extensions, mains, or water service facilities of any kind shall be approved, and time limits for approval of such applications are hereby suspended for such time as this drought response stage or a higher-numbered stage shall be in effect.